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Seat at the Table

For my female readers this title surely resonates, as much discussion about woman in the workplace today centers around the woeful representation of women on corporate boards. Everyone should now be well aware that the spot for which they choose to sit, when a meeting of heads of company convene, can be a career breaker – I don’t think I need to restate what is now “obvi”, or to downplay the navigational prowess required to swim your way through shark infested waters to the perfect seat, but not getting it right can have serious ramifications to your upward mobility….and your paycheck.

Good bye your Royal Highness

Now how are you ever going to afford those outrageously expensive seats – which we so desperately want – if you don’t choose the right one to sit in, in the first place?

If your head isn’t reeling from this discussion yet, your a stronger gal than me.  I am going to focus on the seats for the dining room table instead of the board room table this morning.  Lest you think I am slacking off in any way, I’d like to reassure you that this is no less charged an issue.  That is, for me anyway.  You might remember that I wanted those Warren Platner, 18 karat gold beauties surrounding a perfect Saarinen Tulip Table topped in Calcutta Gold Marble.  A cheap date I am not, perhaps this has resulted in potential husbands clutching their wallets in a death grip while running swiftly in a direction clearly far from me.  Well let them.  I will not have my dreams marginalized for someone that doesn’t share my vision.  Alas, until I have a change in financial fate, I simply must pick another chair.

While I love my Louis Ghosts – and for those of you that are unaware – these translucent chairs are a work of genius by Philip Stark, and produced by Kartel.  They are an ode to one of the Louis, probably XIV, but could easily be attributed to XV or XVI, and they have an amazing versatility that should not be overlooked.  Why you ask?  Because you will end up using them as I have, in your dining room, as a desk chair, additional seating for party guests in the living room, on the patio.  They have turned into one of the most economical purchases I have ever made.  Take that you wallet clutching male, your fleeting figure a distant blur in my memory.  Still, I think it’s time to retire them from their leading role as cast members at the dining table, and find a suitably royal replacement.

Jonathan Adler

So the hunt for a chair today ensues.  Whenever I am feeling a little blue about the breadth of resources, or lack thereof, in Boston, I hop the train to NYC where thoroughbreds abound.  My suitcase simply won’t accommodate six chairs and a man, so I will have to find another way to get them all home with me.  N’inquietez pas, this dreamer will find a way.

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